reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


 3315         unsigned OldSize = Indices.size();
 3319           assert(Indices.size() == OldSize && "Did not return to the old size");
 3320           Indices.push_back(Idx);
 3324           Indices.pop_back();
 3330         unsigned OldSize = Indices.size();
 3334           assert(Indices.size() == OldSize && "Did not return to the old size");
 3335           Indices.push_back(Idx);
 3339           Indices.pop_back();
 3366       Agg = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Agg, Load, Indices, Name + ".insert");
 3405           IRB.CreateExtractValue(Agg, Indices, Name + ".extract");