reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


 4718         Warning(IDLoc, "instruction movi.2d with immediate #0 may not function"
 4722         Operands[Idx] = AArch64Operand::CreateToken(".16b", false, IDLoc,
 4817     if (validateInstruction(Inst, IDLoc, OperandLocs))
 4820     Inst.setLoc(IDLoc);
 4835     return Error(IDLoc, Msg);
 4838     return showMatchError(IDLoc, MatchResult, ErrorInfo, Operands);
 4840     SMLoc ErrorLoc = IDLoc;
 4844         return Error(IDLoc, "too few operands for instruction",
 4845                      SMRange(IDLoc, getTok().getLoc()));
 4849         ErrorLoc = IDLoc;
 5002       return Error(IDLoc, "too few operands for instruction", SMRange(IDLoc, (*Operands.back()).getEndLoc()));
 5002       return Error(IDLoc, "too few operands for instruction", SMRange(IDLoc, (*Operands.back()).getEndLoc()));
 5007       ErrorLoc = IDLoc;